Industrial Painting
Enhance and Preserve Your Facility With Durable Finishes Designed to Last.
- No Obligation Quotes
- Knowledgable & Experienced Execution
Professional Industrial Painting
Experience Matters
Our long history of painting building exteriors has given us tremendous insight into how to approach your facility. By understanding existing finishes, proper priming and surface preparation techniques, we are able to provide a first class industrial painting experience.
Tools for Total Access
Reaching for New Heights
Our industrial painting services includes a boom-truck for safe and efficient painting of your facility, storage tanks, warehouses and more. Our versatile and ever-expanding roster of equipment is primed to make short work of your project.
We travel all over Southern Ontario from our Norfolk County roots in Port Rowan out to Hamilton, Burlington, Kitchener, Guelph, Goderich, Stratford, London and beyond.