Barn Painting & Barn Repairs in Southern Ontario

60+ Years of Helping Ontario Farmers

Call: 1-844-567-0921

new paint on red and green barn

Professional Exterior Painting

Ray Stewart Barn Painting is a third generation, family-run agricultural painting company. We have been painting barns, building exteriors, and farm equipment for farmers and families across Ontario since the 1960’s. How can we help you?

Our long history of barn painting gives us the edge in making sure your barn and farm buildings are renewed and restored properly. Make the investment that lasts!

Renew your industrial facility with highly durability paints & finishes that will increase the lifespan of your operations.
Efficient Preventative Maintenance!

Retail and rental units benefit from our exterior building painting services. Increase curb appeal and retain tenants longer.
Draw in prospects with style!

Free, No Obligation Estimates and Consultations.

f”When it comes to your barn painting project, we understand the needs and wants of the Ontario Farmer; because we are also farmers.” – Ray.


Ray Stewart

Meet Ray!

The Man, The Myth, The Barn Painter.

Ray is a family man that lives on a horse-farm with his lovely wife Kate, and 4 children. Ray has followed in the footsteps of his grandfather and father in the professional barn painting and exterior painting business.

He started painting barns and farm equipment in 1989 at age 16, working for his dad in the summer months while finishing high school. 

He continued to work for the family business while he attended Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.

Several years later he eventually took the reins at “Ray Stewart Barn Painting“ and continues to take pride in operating a multigenerational family business.

Our Reviews

What People Say About Us

Here are the latest reviews from farmers and business operators just like you!

Gallery of Work

Previous Barn Painting & Repair Work

We are highly experienced professionals in all facets of the barn painting industry.
There is no job too small or too large for Ray Stewart Barn Painting.

Our Service Area

Serving Southern Ontario for 60+ Years

We are pleased to provide our barn painting & barn repair services across all of Southern Ontario. From our original home in Port Rowan, all four corners of Southern Ontario are all within reach, including (but not limited to):

Call: 1-844-567-0921

Exterior Home Painting

Yes, We Paint The Outside of Homes Too!

We also provide home exterior painting services for all types of exterior finishes throughout Ontario, including:

Read more about our exterior house painting services.

Beautiful Home Repainted

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Ray Stewart Barn Painting

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Please fill in the form with your details so we can help you as fast as possible. If you’d prefer to call or text: 1-844-567-0921.

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